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Our Mission

"Go therefore and make disciples" by welcoming all into our Eucharistic Community where we grow in our knowledge, love and service to God, so we can go forth proclaiming the Good News.

About Our Parish

The Saints Simon and Jude Parish began in 1979, when Bishop Fiorenza sent Reverend Monsignor Charles C. Domec (1931-2013, Ordained May 26,1956) to The Woodlands to plant a church and bring people together to build a community in Catholic faith. It was quite a challenge he had.


With the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the leadership of decades of devoted parishioners, the original Catholic Church in The Woodlands has evolved into a vibrant voice of faith with its people working together to continue to grow its beloved parish.

Today, Reverend Patrick Garrett continues to lead our Catholic Faith. “Our faith is a mystery, That’s what faith means. Especially our Catholic faith. It’s a mystery built on mysteries. It’s a mystery about us entering into the mysteries, about how we develop our relationship with Christ by entering into the Body of Christ from our hearts and through a change in our lives. It’s not about what’s in our head, it’s about what’s in our heart.” 

- Father Pat Garrett

Saints Simon and Jude

Both Simon and Jude were ordinary men who were chosen by Jesus himself to teach others about God’s love and to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). Their lives help us to understand that even the most average people can become saints when they decide to follow Jesus.

Both of these men were known by other names during their lives. Simon was often called “the Zealot.” A zealot is a person who is strongly committed to something. In Simon’s case, he firmly believed in the importance of people following Jewish law. Once he met Jesus, his life was changed and he became convinced that the most important thing was to follow Jesus and his teachings. We believe that another reason Simon had a nickname was to keep people from confusing him with the other apostle named Simon, the one Jesus called Peter.

Jude was also known as “Jude Thaddeus.” People used this formal title so that he was not confused with Judas, the apostle who betrayed Jesus and handed him over to be arrested. Jude is the patron saint of hopeless cases and desperate situations. People often pray to Jude when they feel that there is no one else to turn to. They ask Jude to bring their problem to Jesus. Because Jude had such great faith, we know that nothing is impossible for those who believe in the Lord.

Simon and Jude traveled together to teach others about Jesus. Because of their eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ miracles and his death and Resurrection, many people became believers and were baptized. Simon and Jude died for their faith on the same day in Beirut. Jude’s body was later returned to Rome where it was buried in a crypt under St. Peter’s Basilica.

We honor our Saints on their Feast Day, October 28.


Five Pillars of Faith






Clergy and Leadership


Father Patrick Garrett (Pat)

Parochial Vicar

Father Kailas Hivale


John Devlin

Spanish Mass


Thomas Rayan

Hospitality Ministry








Pastoral Associate

Development Director

Christine Chapman

Business Administrator

Facilities Manager

Christopher Cockburn

Communications Director

Music Coordinator

Faith Formation & Youth Ministry Coordinator

Youth Ministry Coordinator

Communications/Measures Admin.

Hospitality Admin.

Pastor & Pastoral Care Assistant

Faith Formation Assistant

Yolanda Villarreal


Parish Life Admin.

Senior Facility Tech


Pastoral Council

List Council Here and emails

Finance Council

List Council Here and emails

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