SSJ | Misiones de Semana Santa
Begin your Lenten Journey right by exploring the healing power of the Sacraments with events exploring each of the of seven sacraments of the Church
¿Quién puede asistir a las Misiones? Alguna vezyone!
Misiones de Semana Santa (6-8 de abril)está abierto a todos los feligreses de SSJ, families, túh, parejas e individuos. También damos la bienvenida a todosfeligreses deotroparroquias en Houston Norte que quieren vivir la Semana Santa de manera diferente y servir a Dios a través de la evangelización y el servicio a los demás.
Póngase en contacto con el director de la misión, Matthieu Billès, enssjmissions@gmail.com
"...The seven sacraments touch all the stages and all the important moments of Christian life: they give birth and increase, healing and mission to the Christian's life of faith. There is thus a certain resemblance between the stages of natural life and the stages of the spiritual life."
- CCC 1210
Eucharistic Novena: Nine Days of Continuous Adoration
FEB 14-22
Nine Days of Continuous Adoration and Eucharistic Novena at SSJ. Come as you are; no registrations are necessary.
Day of Reflection: The Healing Power of Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist
FEB 17 | 8:30a - 3:00p
Starting with 8:30 a.m. Mass SSJ invites all Parishioners to begin their Lenten Journey with a Day of Reflection, where we will explore the Healing Power of the Sacraments of Initiation - Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist.
8:30 AM | Mass
AFTER MASS | Meet on the Plaza outside the Church (Breakfast and Chick-fil-A lunch provided)
Engaging presentation
Small group discussion
Interactive activities
*Childcare is available for children six weeks to 12 years old
Register with Donna Cox at coxd@ssjwoodlands.com
Busy Person Retreat: 15 Days of Reflection at SSJ
FEB 17- MAR 31
Continue your Lenten Journey with Daily Scripture Reflections
Daily individual meditation on the Scriptures
Daily Reflection of the Examen Prayer
Meeting with a Spiritual Director