Altar Server Ministry
Have your Youth participate in the Liturgy of the Mass and be fully engaged as a Crucifer, Candle Holder, Book Holder, or Thurifer.
View the Mass from a totally new vantage point! Students completing their Sacrament of First Communion and up may assist the clergy at the altar during Mass and liturgical celebrations. What will you do? At the Altar of the Lord, your youth will help Fr. Pat, Fr. Kailas, and the deacons prepare the Altar before the Sacrifice of the Mass.
The Society of St. Narcissus Altar Servers are initially trained by our SSJ Altar Server Council comprised of Youth Senior Servers and Masters of Ceremony. There are 3 levels of Altar Servers.
Junior Altar Servers
Senior Altar Servers
Master of Ceremony
All together they serve as One Body in Christ before the Blessed Sacrament at Mass.
We train new altar servers quarterly and upon request.
Youth Online Registration
Chip Alexander -