SAFE HAVEN: Safe Haven online training & background check is required for all ministries and SSJ groups.
First Serve Ministries
First Serve Ministries are those that you, as a parishioner, may want to do to get connected to your church. You may not have been part of a ministry before, so you are offering some of your valuable time to serve your parish. These ministries usually do not require lots of time just your commitment and willingness to serve Him.
Liturgical Ministry
Becoming part of a Liturgical Ministry is very special because you are serving your church, in some capacity, during daily or weekend Mass. Each Liturgical Ministry has a minimum requirement of having at least completed your First Communion, others may require a little more.
Altar Server Ministry
Have your Youth participate in the Liturgy of the Mass and be fully engaged as a Crucifer, Candle Holder, Book Holder, or Thurifer. At the Altar of the Lord, your youth will help Fr. Pat, Fr. Kailas, and the deacons prepare the Altar before the Sacrifice of the Mass.
Hospitality Service Ministry
Join us in feeding our parish. Getting involved with the Hospitality Service Ministry will see you handing out donuts after Mass, helping our parish connect with our Get Connected Sundays, and serving our grieving families during the Celebration of Life.
Always looking for singers and instrumentalists. Please contact Gary Dirker,
Music Ministry
Ordinary Choir Practice
Saturday | 5 PM: Rehearsal at 4:00 pm in Choir Room
Sunday | 9:30 AM: Rehearsal at 9 a.m. in Choir Room
Sunday | 11:30 AM Family Children’s Choir: Rehearsal at 11:00 am in Choir Room
Donna Finney:
Children's Schedule
Tuesday | 7 PM: Rehearsal in Choir Room
Faith Formation Sundays | 11:30 AM: Family Children’s Choir: Rehearsal at 11:00 am in Choir Room
Linda Zakrzewski:
Always looking for singers and instrumentalists. Please contact Donna Finney,