Vocational Ministries
Invest your talent to fulfill your vocation. We start down the path of investing our talents by participating in a ministry here at church as we discern how God is calling us. The parish can help you find a ministry and receive formation to grow in the skills needed to fulfill your vocation.
Besides the Mass, our parish provides many opportunities for you to invest a little time to connect with Christ. The easiest way to grow in our faith is to share it with others.
Liturgical Ministries
Members of the liturgical ministries serve the parish before/during and after Mass. Each position
Hospitality Ministries
Coming Soon
Formation Ministries
Coming Soon
"As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace." (1 Pt 4:10)
Stewardship Council
The purpose of this council is to educate and develop all parishioners in their commitment to stewardship of time, talent and treasure. If interested in learning more contact: Christine Chapman at chapmanc@ssjwoodlands.com.
Outreach Ministries
Use this space to write a brief description of this specific group and lead person’s role and responsibilities.
Angel Tree
Extending the spirit of Christmas by providing gifts to people in need. The program begins the weekend before Thanksgiving and ends with the delivery of the gifts the first weekend in December. Helene McKee, hlmdevmckee@gmail.com
Blood Drive
Giving blood is an act of charity and mercy. It demonstrates a willingness to help others. The Blood Drive Ministry provides an opportunity for SSJ parishioners to participate by encouraging, organizing, and supporting the donation of blood for those in need. March, July & November on Sundays 8:00 am-2:00 pm (Check bulletin for dates) Gretchen Hartley– Duffy, ghartley06@gmail.com
Emergency Management
SSJ is one of the main shelters for Montgomery County and functions as a partner with the American Red Cross. During disasters such as hurricanes, flooding and other weather events, the shelter may be activated to assist in housing, registration and supplying meals. The need for trained volunteers is necessary. Training provided by the Red Cross. If you are interested in becoming a trained shelter volunteer please contact Jim Burkett at jfburk@sbcglobal.net
Guardian Angel Closet
See Guardian Angel Closet Page
Habitat for Humanity
Volunteer your time and talent to ‘build a world where everyone has a place to live.’ Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope. We work in Conroe, on one house per year, starting in the Fall and finishing in the Spring, working two Saturdays each month. You can also help by furnishing breakfast or lunch on workdays. David Vogt, dc.vogt@earthlink.net
Loaves and Fishes Ministry
We serve the neediest of our community in Southeast Texas, including Harris and Montgomery counties. The main focus has been helping with preparing and serving hot lunches twice a month at the Catholic Loaves & Fishes Soup Kitchen in downtown Houston. The Soup Kitchen is a Catholic charity, and we give out shoes, socks, clothing and rosaries to the homeless several times a year. The Ministry is also pursuing activities with Compassion United and its Miracle City in Conroe, possibly helping out at Breakfast in the Park for the homeless and helping as Miracle City grows “Feeding the hungry with God’s love.” Serving Schedule: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays each month, 9-12 pm, Bill Grattendick, desotowag@sbcglobal.net
Prison Ministry
Prison Visitation Ministry: Visits with prisoners at a state prison outside of Huntsville. SSJ Parish Office at: 281-367-9885
Prison Pen Pal Ministry: Corresponds with inmates in the state prison system. Lisa Naeger, naegerlisa@gmail.com
Respect Life
Accompaniment Ministries
Use this space to write a brief description of this specific group and lead person’s role and responsibilities.
Butterflies Widow Support
A new beginning like a cocoon, releasing a beautiful butterfly. We study the truths of our Catholic Faith and we share our sad goodbyes. As widows we know God carries us through those lonely times in life. Sending us friends with a similar loss to help us overcome our struggles and strife's. So join us as we gather for faith filled fellowship, food and fun. Our lives have certainly changed but a new one has now begun. May God Bless You
For more information contact butterflies2018@att.net
Divorce Recovery
If you or someone you know has experienced the hurt of divorce, the Path to Healing is for you. The experience of divorce can be devastating, often bringing feelings of anger, sadness, depression, despair and fear. This program will address self image, stress, anger, blame and guilt, loneliness, forgiveness, and pathways to growth, healing and happiness. It is a faith based, Catholic Christian recovery ministry that welcomes other faith traditions as well. It is a safe and life-giving support experience.
Or for information about the group please contact: Mary Goodrich, email: mgoodrich2@comcast.net or Daniel email: coleco@gmail.com
EMHC Visitation
Funeral Team
Coming Soon
Hands with Heart
The HANDS with HEART Ministry began as a prayer blanket ministry, making prayer blankets from fabric donated by parishioners. The Ministry has expanded its scope over the years, both in terms of the handcrafted items that it produces and the organizations that it serves. The Ministry supports Christian values through their conversations, actions, and prayers.
Everyone is welcome to join. The women involved are wonderfully creative and willing to serve. The Ministry meets every Monday morning in the Ministry House, from 9:00 – 11:00 am. Items can also be made at home and brought to the church for the different events. For inquires contact Bobbie Torrguson, email: torgcomp@sbcglobal.net
Rainbow and Roses
Rainbow and Roses is the Sts. Simon and Jude Catholic Parish’s grief support ministry. Its mission is to provide support for anyone, parishioner or not, who has had a loved one die; be that a spouse, parent, child, or friend. Our goal is to assist you in your grief journey by providing direct support from others who have experienced a similar loss. We offer a safe, non-judgmental space to listen and talk through issues and pain experienced after the loss of a loved one.
Meetings are the first and third Thursday of every month in the Ministry House (St. Vincent de Paul office) from 10:00 – 11:30 am. Meetings are informal sharing sessions hosted by a parish member facilitator who is also coping with the loss of a loved one. For inquires contact Lisa Bills, email: taterbills@gmail.com or Charley Duffy, email: cduffyiii@comcast.net
Rosary Makers, Our Lady
Our Lady’s Rosary Makers meet twice a month to teach rosary making; one morning and one night a month, working toward our mission to get a rosary in everyone’s hand to pray to Our Mother Mary. Holding a rosary is like holding Mother Mary’s hand. Please contact Michele at mmurph8434@gmail.com (315) 558-4536 to find out when our next meeting is.
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry is a ministry to the afflicted. It is meant as an accompaniment ministry to those who have suffered a loss of any kind. It is meant to enhance our existing Pastoral Accompaniment Ministries (PAM) by providing tools to assist each ministry in recognizing and being able to take their interactions with the faithful deeper. For inquires email: stephenministries@ssjwoodlands.com or call the offices at Sts. Simon and Jude and ask for Sonya Thibert
Coming Soon
These ministries function under the Administration/Stewardship Commission of the Pastoral Council.
Facilities Project Committee
The members of this committee will have expertise areas related to facility and/or landscape operations so they can scope out and oversee projects throughout the campus. All projects will be approved by them in order to ensure continuity and alignment with the parish mission. Facilities Chair: David Vogt, dc.vogt@earthlink.net
The purpose of this ministry is to provide natural and beautiful spaces for parishioners and guests to walk, reflect, and pray as they make their way down the path toward Apostleship. Use your 'green thumb' and learn more about the floral and fauna while fellowshipping with other parishioners, Contact Christine Chapman at Chapmanc@ssjwoodlands.com
Money Counters
On a weekly basis, this group will gather and count the weekend's offertory and prepare it for deposit. Contact LuAnn Galik at lagalik54@gmail.com
Parking Team
Part of being in fellowship with other parishioners is looking out for one another. This team of parishioners will greet and welcome others to SSJ, while picking them up and delivering those that need it, by cart to Mass. Contact Christine Chapman at Chapmanc@ssjwoodlands.com
Parishioner Testimonials