Get Involved
Serving others prepares you to lead others. - Jim George

Activities | Events
Are those activities, on the parish campus, where parishioners, volunteers and community members are invited to fellowship and serve together.
First Serve Ministries
Ministries that are easy to become a part of and often the first ministries a person joins when they become a parishioner.
Liturgical | Altar Servers | Hospitality
Groups that are that are a part of the parish and also charted through the church and may be part of a larger nationally known organization.

An opportunity for individuals and/or couples to be part of a small group within the parish. These are all catholic in nature but may target a specific type of parishioner, such as women, men, couples, etc.
Groups of individuals that practice and promote a Catholic devotion that helps strengthen and spread the faith through prayer.
Vocational Ministries
Are those ministries in which we are discerning what God has called us to do.